Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Man I admire

In you lies my strength
I count on you when I feel lost.
Dear Father, you are the man I admire
You hide your emotions
To show you least bother
But your selfless actions
Makes you a hero;
Sacrifices you do equally like a mother
Yet receive no credit or praises
And for all the struggles taken
To keep us happy and gay.
Dear Dad, I thank you
For being my provider and protector
I’m safe when you are with me
With you, our family is complete
You are a special person
So different in many ways
I’ve grow up with your values
Built a strong foundation and enriched my life
And like our Heavenly Father above
I depend upon you
For your undying love.
Love you Papa….

1 comment:

  1. This is deep... so awesome ! Thanks for sharing and writing this :)
