Thursday, July 14, 2011

Strokes and Colors

 When you can't speak words, use colours !!

Let me give you some simple tips involved in the process of creating some beautiful art. As told in my earlier post subject is important point of focus.Study your subject forgetting the names of subject like tree, bird, flower  and observing only the shapes, value and colors. An eagle's eye is needed to eliminate detail and watch the image move. A two dimensional view is to be painted in your mind. More than half the painting is done. The next step is to smoothen your canvas so that you can freely brush your color across the harsh and rough canvas. Burnt sienna or crimson white is a better optional to underpaint your canvas. Enjoy the lazy strokes and get warmed up to get into the mood of painting.

  Now the big shapes can be outlined by rough demarcating lines. Don't pay attention to details now. Organise the shapes like zig-saw puzzle onto the canvas. Attention to be focused on lighter and darker areas of the subject. The true value of your art arises with a dark background, gradually going in the lighter variation. there should be balance of colors to get the right relationship between the relative shapes. Now we reach a stage to block-in color. Estimate color and use white as required. Each color should have the value to the layer below it, or else watch your paint collapse.

Blend colors correctly  for that right relationship just as we blend our lives with things around us to develop that perfect harmony within ourselves and outside. As you apply the thin layers of colors you find yourself excited. But don't lay too much emphasis on details now or else your painting becomes noisy.  Let your piece of work sing as you move your brush holistically over the entire canvas. Let the paint appear the way it should be and not something else. As you cover the details, you should understand where to stop. Don't try to fix everything. Gently lay brush strokes on top without much effort. Don't panic. Allow the paint to dry and watch after a couple of days. If any thing is still left, fix it or leave it. You are done!!

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