Ever wondered why or what is attracting the younger generation glued to mobiles and internet rather than books, magazines or novels?
If you come across even a one year old child, you'll find him more attracted to a mobile than to a toy. Visit any college or a local shopping mall, you will find the youth hovering over the websites, online games or chatting on mobiles.
Why are books taking a backstage? Why is the glory of books lost? What is preventing kids from taking up a book to read? Why is a parent not able to control a child's access to these tech gadgets?
Today is the world of design; a world of digitisaion.
design is taking over and controlling the audience. When we talk of design, it does not just mean the images or colours, it is also about how interestingly the content is structured, organised and supported by other media - audio and video. Books turns a reader to be merely a passive absorber of thoughts and ideas, whereas online games, stories and websites keeps it's audience engaged and active. This is how digitised content is able to rule the hearts of young and old alike.
The learning styles have remained the same, but the learning need has changed. Digitisation is able to capture a larger audience because it takes into consideration all these learning styles. A book with the story of a thirsty crow which was interesting to read and tell some years ago. The same story is going wild on you tube and other sites due to its digitised version. Visuals, images, audio has made the story all the more interesting for a kid to see, hear and read to enjoy it.
What is creating this boom in the digital world? What role are the educators playing to use digital learning platforms to make learning fun and interesting?
Let's get back more on this in the next post. Till then .... Bye